Potty Training

Isaac is back to school.  Its too cold to leave the house for the rest of us.  So its time.  Potty Time.  As soon as James gets up (my momma was kind enough to take Isaac to bus so babies could stay in) we will begin the “potty train in a weekend” method.  I still dont buy that you can do it in 2 days but it will be a good kick start for us and we’ll just see.  Isaac was staying with grandma when he trained and “finished up” when I was in hospital with James,  so I’ll fess up…Ive not done all the “work” before.   So…say a little prayer…here comes the underwear…lol

2 thoughts on “Potty Training

  1. I got Annie trained in 3 days I think. I was amazed at how quickly she caught on. The key is doing it when they’re ready, not before. I started too early with Audrey, so she took longer to be fully accident free. But the three-day method still worked for the most part to get her to a recognition and in underwear state.

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